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Accepts NoteProcessors: yes


A SoundObject that points to a SoundObject in the SoundObject library. The content of the SoundObject is not editable except by editing the SoundObject in the library to which the instance is pointing to. If editing the SoundObject in the library, all instances that point to that SoundObject will be changed.

When clicking on an Instance object to edit it, the SoundObject from the library will show its editor instead in the SoundObject edit area, but it will be clearly marked that the user is currently editing a library SoundObject and not an individual SoundObject.

The instance object is very useful if your work entails using many variations of single source of material. For example, you can take a SoundObject that represents a drum pattern, then make many Instances of that pattern and add them to your project. If you want to later change the base pattern, it will update everywhere that there are Instance objects pointing to it.

Another example, if you have a SoundObject that represents a motive or melodic fragment, you can put it into the SoundObject library, then make 10 instances of it, adding noteProcessors to do things like transpose or get the retrograde, etc. Later, if you decide you want to change the base material, you'd only have to edit it once within the library. All Instance objects pointing to the changed object will be updated and will maintain all of their transformations and relationships that were added via NoteProcessors.

If you later decide that you want to work with the original material where you have an Instance and want to break the link, replacing the instance with a copy of the original to modify, you can convert the Instance object to a GenericScore. To do this, you can use one of two methods:

  • Right-click the Instance object and choose "Convert to Generic Score"
  • Go the SoundObject Library, select the original and use "Copy", then select the Instance object and use "Replace with SoundObject in Buffer"