
Oscillator Functions


(blit-pulse freq pulse-width)(blit-pulse freq pulse-width nharmonics)
Implementation of BLIT algorithm by Stilson and Smith for band-limited
pulse waveform. 

Returns an optimized audio-function if freq is a number, or a slower
version if freq is itself an audio-function.


(blit-saw freq)(blit-saw freq nharmonics)
Implementation of BLIT algorithm by Stilson and Smith for band-limited
sawtooth waveform. Based on the C++ implementation from STK.

Returns an optimized audio-function if freq is a number, or a slower
version if freq is itself an audio-function.


(blit-square freq)(blit-square freq nharmonics)
Implementation of BLIT algorithm by Stilson and Smith for band-limited
square waveform. 

Returns an optimized audio-function if freq is a number, or a slower
version if freq is itself an audio-function.


(blit-triangle freq)(blit-triangle freq nharmonics)
Generates BLIT-based triangle wave, via integration of BLIT square wave.


(lfo amp freq)(lfo amp freq lfo-type)
Low-Frequency Oscillator with various types. Based on Csound's LFO opcode by
John ffitch.  Accepted lfo-types are:

TYPE              RANGE
:sine             [-amp,amp]
:triangle         [-amp,amp]
:square           [-amp,amp]
:square-unipolar  [0.0, amp] 
:saw              [0.0, amp]
:saw-down         [0.0, amp]

Note: This is not a bandlimited oscillator and should be used only for
parameter modulation. Also, unlike Csound's lfo, does not allow switching
the lfo-type at performance time.


(oscil amp freq)(oscil amp freq table)(oscil amp freq table phase)
Oscillator with table (defaults to sine wave table, truncates indexing)


(oscil3 amp freq)(oscil3 amp freq table)(oscil3 amp freq table phase)
Cubic-interpolating oscillator with table (defaults to sine wave table) (based on Csound's oscil3)


(oscili amp freq)(oscili amp freq table)(oscili amp freq table phase)
Linear-interpolating oscillator with table (defaults to sine wave table)


(phasor freq phase)
Phasor with frequency and starting phase


(phasor-fixed freq phase)
Phasor with fixed frequency and starting phase


(pulse freq)(pulse freq amp)
Pulse generator. If freq is number and <= 0.0, will return a single
impulse.  Otherwise returns impulses at given frequency. Freq may be 
time-vary function.


(sine freq)(sine freq phase)
Sine generator with fixed frequency and starting phase



(sine2 f)(sine2 f p)
Sine generator with variable frequency and fixed starting phase.


(unirect freq duty-cycle)
Unipolar rectangle signal generator. Takes in frequency and duty cycle. Useful as a periodic gate signal.


(vphasor freq phase)
Phasor with variable frequency and variable starting phase.