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BlueShare is an online, in-program way to share instruments, effects, and SoundObjects with other Blue users. BlueShare does not require a user account to download items, but does require one for uploading. If you would like to share an instrument or effect, please sign up for an account at

To use BlueShare, go to the Tools menu to open it up. Blue will contact the server to get a list of Instrument, Effects, and SoundObjects available. From there, you can browse categories, then select an item in the upper-right table to get more information. Once you find something you are interested to try, select "Import Instrument", "Import Effect", or "Import SoundObject". Blue will download the instrument, effect, or SoundObject into the User Instrument Library, Effects Library, or User SoundObject Library in a folder called "Imported Instruments", "Imported Effects", or "Import SoundObjects".

To upload and instrument or effect, switch to the Export tab. From there you will see a place to enter your username and password, a listing of instruments, effects, or SoundObjects from your libraries, a tree of categories to use for uploading, and a description box (pre-populated with the Comments field of your Instrument or Effect). You can then press the "Submit" button to send it to the server.

The manage tab allows you to pull down a list of your contributed instruments, effects, and SoundObjects. You can then remove the item from BlueShare using "Remove" button.