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Random Add Processor

Rnd Add

Parameters: pfield, min, max, seedUsed, seed

The RandomAddProcessor generates a random value between min and max and adds it to the designated pfield for all notes. A random value is generated for each note.

The RandomAddProcessor expects either a positive or negative float value for the min and max, and a postive integer for the pfield. The following score:

i1 0 2 80
i1 + . 80
i1 + . 80
i1 + . 80

when processed with an RandomAddProcessor with min set to 0.0, max set to 1.0, and pfield set to 4, resulted in the following on one pass:

i1  0.0 0.5 80.92294
i1  0.5 0.5 80.50539
i1  1.0 0.5 80.112495
i1  1.5 0.5 80.93934

(The p2 and p3 times above are post-processing for a 2 second duration soundObject with time behavior set to scale.)

The above is an example of random values, and because it is random, the results will be different on another processing pass. .

If seedUsed is set to "true", the random number generator will be initialized using the given seed value. The seed value must be a valid long integer value (-2^63, 2^63-1).


One useful way to use this noteProcessor is as a way to "humanize" velocity or pitch values values.