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Python Processor


Parameters: code

Allows user to write python code to process NoteList. The code is run using Jython, the Java implementation of Python that is included with Blue. Users using the PythonProcessor should be aware of Jython's implementation details: most classes and modules from CPython are included, users can not import modules with native libraries, and users can use any Java class that exists in the classpath.

When Blue generates notes from a SoundObject, the SoundObject first generates its Notes as a NoteList, then NoteProcessors are called one at a time to process that NoteList in place. For the PythonProcessor, before any of the user-written code is run, the generated NoteList is first added and defined in the memory space as "noteList". From there, the script for the PythonProcessor should treat noteList as the list of Note objects that have been generated. The NoteList and Note objects are the very same and have the same methods and properties as those in the Java code, so one must work with them the same way as one would in Java.

The following code shows an example of the Python Processor. The code first imports the random module, then for every note in the noteList it creates a random space variable between the values of -1 and 1, then assigns that to pfield 7 of the note. (This example code is used in the blue/examples/noteProcessors/ and can be run within Blue to hear the example).

import random

for i in noteList:
  newVal = str((2 * random.random()) - 1)
  i.setPField(newVal, 7)